GREEN COFFEE के साथ आसान और खुशनुमा तरीके से वजन घटाएँ:

  • फैट को तेजी से और नैचुरल तरीके से कम करता है
  • आपकी भूख को स्वस्थ तरीके से कम करता है
  • आप रोजाना अपने सबसे पसंदीदा खाने खा सकते हैं!
  • न खान पान में कोई परहेज - न कोई तनाव!
  • न कोई कठिन डायट - न कोई कमजोरी!
  • नैचुरल तरीके से वजन घटाएँ और इसके परिणाम हमेशा कायम

Green Coffee में काफी मात्रा में क्लोरोजेनिक एसिड पाया जाता है जो पूरे शरीर के फैट के भंडारों को तोड़ देता है। इसमें पाया जाने वाला कैफ़ीन मेटाबॉलिज़्म को बढ़ावा देता है, शरीर से हानिकारक पदार्थों को बाहर निकालता है और मुक्त कणों को बहा देता है। नैचुरल एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट आपके स्वास्थ्य और रंग रूप को बेहतर बनाए रखते हैं


chlorogenic acid

Chlorogenic acid activates and improves processing of fatty acids in the liver, facilitates fat splitting in the intestine and inhibits their absorbing into the blood stream.


Caffeine is a powerful natural anti-oxidant. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects the body against free radicals by accelerating the process of skin regeneration.


This substance improves functioning of the gastrointestinal tract thereby removing excessive fluids and the body gets cleaned in a natural way. Thanks to tannin because of which the immune system becomes stronger.


Vegetable fibre fills the stomach thereby dampening your appetite and normalizing digestion.

micro elements

IRON, PHOSPHOROUS, SULPHUR, POTASSIUM and other elements are important for the normal functioning of your body

vitamin c & e

Enhances protective functions of the body and strengthens walls of the blood vessels. Improves the structure and condition of the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks

Best Offers

Trial Pack ( 100gms)

15 days Course


30 Days Course

Lose 5-7 Kg


60 Days Course

Lose 15 - 20 Kg


90 Days Course

Lose 25 - 30 Kg


Why Us

All our Green Coffee Beans Products are FSSAI Certified, 100% Natural Organic and approved with a best Quality Assurance.

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Green coffee is instant and easy to make. Just follow these simple steps as follows: 1. Grind the Green coffee beans. 2. Add one tsp in 150 ml of water and bring it to boil for 5-7 min on low heat Don’t add sugar or milk, you can add honey and cardamom for taste.

Green coffee has to be consumed twice in a day half an hour before breakfast and dinner. This is our prescribed time. Note-Its important to eat something 30-40min after coffee.

Chlorogenic acid present in green coffee is believed to elevate the digestion process of fat in liver and increases the body metabolism which in turn boost energy and this is how it helps in weight loss.

There are many brands of green coffee available in the market nowadays, but be cautious while choosing the genuine green coffee brand. A genuine brand will always provide you with 100% pure green coffee beans extract while the cheap brands contains additives and other substances which don’t give expected result of green coffee,(have side effects) So it's your choice you want to go for QUALITY or for QUANTITY.

Green coffee beans are simply coffee beans that have yet not been roasted. Coffee beans contains compounds known as chlorogenic acids. These compounds are believed to have antioxidant activities like reducing weight and controlling blood pressure. When coffee is roasted, its chlorogenic acid content is greatly reduced. This is why drinking coffee is not thought to have the same weight-loss effects produced by the unroasted beans.

There is nothing to worry about green coffee as it is made by same unroasted coffee beans. This coffee is 100% pure, organic and untouched. This coffee don’t contain any chemical. And also approved by FSSAI(Food Safety and Standard Authority of India)